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I’ve not made a post in a while, of any sort. I’ve not made any constructive posts, erm, ever.

I dunno what to say, life’s swell atm and I’m insanely busy at work.

Have I mentioned how much I’m enjoying work atm? It really, really does rock. The only thing that sucks is that I’m getting paid less than some of the Christmas temps (I’m still on the under-18 payrate, for obvious reasons) yet I’m doing a hell of a lot more work than them.

My current week atm: 2.30-9.30 Weds, 3-8 Thurs, 9-5.30 Sat, 9.45-4 Sun – 26 hours + 3 hours Sunday bonus = 29 hours at £4.40 = around £130 a week. Not bad, all in all.

Now, I don’t want to sound stuck up by saying I do more work than them, but… I’m now officially an all-rounder. I’m trained for all the standard jobs (picking, despatch, tills), I can do stock transfers, return checking, jewellry, some maintainance on the servers (I’m allowed to reboot one of them) and over the past few weeks I’ve done some “Sales Support” training. Sales Support fucking rocks! It means I get the keys for the tills to do overrides and stuff, the keys to the safe for change… And best of all, I can work in the cash office, occasionally on my own. The cash office is best because you don’t have to deal with customers. It’s also stressing because of the pressure you’re under. I don’t do full cash office stuff, such as banking, but what I do is still fucking mind blowing. Ever held £5000 in cash in your hand at once? Surreal. My job is basically to make up till floats, and enter what’s in the tills into the T&B system.

Example: Till 7 has £2000 in it. I count it up, and enter this amount into the system. System displays: “ECR short £1500”. I ignore it and move onto the next till. “ECR short £2200”. Cue panic attack. There’s over £3000 missing from the tills and this is the first time I was in the cash office by myself. Notice that my manager took some money from the tills earlier and left a note “Tills 7 and 8 not entered” and wish she’d go and blow herself up. I entered the notes she made. “ECR short £6.88”, “ECR over 98p”.

Much better.

We’re making insane money at work atm. We’re really pissing off head office and doing this 10% evening alongside the rest of the centre (want anything from Argos with 10% off… Come to Doncaster Frenchgate tomorrow between 6 and 9.30). And I mean, insane money. We took 9 times what we’d take on a normal Sunday (I’m sure I shouldn’t quote figures, so I won’t). People were queueing out of the door past Boots. Which is 3 stores down. It’s mad and insanely busy.

So, what else is going on with my life? I’m doing the same old things at school. I’ve got a driving test on Friday. A week on Saturday I have an interview at York.

I’ve got an offer from Hull – 280 UCAS points, from at least 2 A-levels, including AS levels up to a total of 18 units… Which basically means I only need to get a B and a C to get in, I’ve already got the rest from AS-levels (Which I may improve on again in my resits).

My parents have also bought a farmhouse in France which they plan to renovate and rent out. They think it’s going to be ready for summer… I don’t. I also think the money could be better spent (for example, in a pension, or my University. Or a car.) And don’t bother saying “POSH GIT” or calling me rich or anything like that. That’s personally something that really gets on my nerves. I work damn hard for my money, I don’t sponge off my parents and I’m not spoilt.

Finally, today is a sad day. Mutsumi’s SCSI HDD died – good job I ordered an IDE one the other day.

Also, Battlestar Galactica rocks. If you’re not watching it, why not?